Online Therapy
If you've been considering therapy, there’s no better time than now to start. In an effort to provide additional support to you and your family we offer online therapy which is a convenient alternative to face-to-face therapy and has many benefits to it. If you have a challenging schedule, are away for work or school, have limited childcare options or if you just don’t feel like battling traffic online therapy just might be THE BEST option for you.
Okay, I want you to take 5 seconds to think about this - Imagine you’re the train conductor of your life and you’re at a split in the railroad and have to decide if you want something different for yourself or if you’re going to continue with business as usual. I’m here to tell you that you have the power and the strength to steer yourself in any direction you choose. Doing the same thing over and over will not get you a different result. You have to try different approaches if you want something different. Considering carving out an hour of your time to get the support you need. Online therapy is safe, effective and convenient. Sessions are offered through a secure online platform, where we can connect from your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.
Still unsure if online counseling will work for you? Schedule a free fifteen minute telephone session and together we will work out the kinks. If at anytime you decide online counseling is not for you, we will convert you to face-to-face counseling in our office or help you connect to a provider in your area of choice.